Hours by appointment

Relieve Chronic Pain-> Restore Movement->     ->Renew Energy

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Seated Massages at your location in the Dolphin II chair, the most comfortable massage chair which allows for multiple positioning of clients including horizontal for body work as close to the massage table experience as possible in a massage chair.

each 15 minute session.....$20   (10 person minimum)

 also available for charity events with a portion of the proceeds               donated to 501C-3 non profit organizations

Deep Tissue Massage:

1 hour....... $80.00          1 1/2 hours..... $115
2 hours...... $160
A more specific massage with time & attention focused on a particular area of the body administered to affect the sub-layer of muscle & fascia. This massage helps relieve chronic muscle pain, facilitate injury rehabilitation, & reduces pain caused by inflammation of arthritis & tendinitis.The sessions are often quite intense as a result of the deliberate, focused work. 

Myofascial Release :

Application of slow, sustained pressure & movement into the facsial system, the connective tissue that gives the body shape & holds it together,with the intention of restoring mobility, improving posture, increasing cellular nutrition, reducing pain, & resolving structural dysfunctions. Myofascial release refers to the manual  technique for stretching the fascia and releasing bonds between fascia, integument, and muscles with the goal of eliminating pain, increasing range of motion                                                         and equilibrioception.
                             1 hour......$85   1 1/2 hours..... $125     2hours.....$160

Therapeutic Massage

A general relaxation massage with Deep Tissue techniques applied to a particular area of tension, pain, or injury   
1 hour......$75
1 1/2  hours.....$110

Relaxation Massage:

1/2 hour...... $40      1hour... $70   1- 1/2 hours...$100
A soothing massage of superficial muscles to trigger the relaxation response. Decreases anxiety & muscle tension, increases circulation to the extremities,creates a general sense of well-being & improves quality of sleep.